2013 September Interbull Report.pdf
Biotech breeding goes bovine.pdf
Changes to UK Type Classification programme.pdf
CRV Flanders.pdf
CRV Introduction.pdf
CRV Netherlands.pdf
DE Internationale Standardmerkmale fur Milchkuhe (06-2005).pdf
EN International type evaluation of dairy cattle (06-2005).pdf
FR Evaluation internationale de la morphologie des bovins laitiers (08-2003).pdf
German Associations Press Release – Genitic cause of calf mortality.pdf
Interbull Executive Summary May 2013.pdf
Netherland Research Project.pdf
Netherlands release average lifetime production for all animals culled in 2012.pdf
SP Evaluacion morfologica internacional del vacuna de leche (06-2005).pdf
Weighing of General Characteristics in the Overall Conformation Trait (10-2008).pdf
WHFF and ICAR have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.pdf
WHFF New Lifetime producer in Denmark.pdf
WHFF President M Shaffer Joins Dairy Australia.pdf